Welcome To My Place: Room Additions To Accommodate Your Family Members

Welcome To My Place: Room Additions To Accommodate Your Family Members

There’s no better place to spend your golden years than in the Golden State. And, Southern California is a premier choice for seniors. Demographics are shifting in Los Angeles County, and more inhabitants are in the 60s and 70s than ever.  

Residents in Pasadena might be facing the prospect of having their elderly parents or other relatives move in with them. This is a big transition for you and your family, but fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do to get your home ready. Here are some room additions you can build to make your folks’ stay safe and comfortable. 

Your Turn To Tuck Them In 

An extra bedroom is a logical choice when you’ve got an extra set of people moving in. For aging parents, you’ll want to find space on the first floor for a bedroom so they can avoid needing to take the stairs. 

You can build out a new bedroom as an attachment to your lower level, or you may be able to consider renovating and repurposing your garage into an extra bedroom. Regardless of where you add the new bedroom, keep it well-ventilated and free from unnecessary clutter.  

A Fresh Place to Freshen Up

The main benefit of adding a bathroom to your lower level is making it easier for your parents to remain independent for as long as possible. A bathroom addition in this situation should be optimized for safety and navigability. This could look like strategically placed grab bars, a shower with a seat, and plenty of artificial and natural lighting. 

The first floor will likely be the star of the show for accommodating your aging parents, but you should still think about adding a bathroom on the second floor to free up the one(s) on the lower level for your parents. It might not be accessible to your parents, but it will come in handy for your other family members and guests who have a much easier time navigating the stairs. 

Let’s Get Cookin’

One of the best things about living with your mom again is getting to enjoy her cooking! A kitchenette is an excellent, practical addition to your home for your aging parents. 

A senior-friendly kitchenette should be optimized for movement and accessibility. Ensure that entryways and walkways have ample width and that countertops are low enough so they are reachable in case one of your parents uses a mobility device. You can also look into expanding your existing kitchen for some extra space. 

Modify and expand your home in Pasadena, CA for your elderly family members

Bringing your relatives under your roof has its challenges but also plenty of opportunities to bond and become closer as a family. Creative Innovation Developers can add all kinds of rooms to your house to make sure there’s space for everyone to relax and enjoy their time together. Contact us today to start your journey to intergenerational living!